East Longmeadow High School
Class of 1970
K Thru 12th After School

An even closer view of the World War II Honor Roll on Dec. 4, 1943. The Honor Roll had been dedicated six days earlier, on November 28. At this time, 308 names were listed on the panels. The list grew to 417 names by the end of the war. If you'd like a high resolution copy of this photo, please email Scott Moore at scottcameronmoore@hotmail.com. You'll be able to read the names when you zoom in.


From Maple St. in September 1957, looking across the Big Ben Townhouse parking lot to Shaker Rd. Nooney Hardware, East Longmeadow Pharmacy, and Lopardo's clothing store are seen in the background. Mr. Sanford Nooney opened Nooney Hardware in 1949. The pharmacy, operated by Mr. Edmund Maynard, moved into the building in 1951 and relocated to N. Main St. in 1963. The Congregational Church is seen at the top. Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.

Garnett, Kenny, and Patty Hall, with their mother, Mrs. Ruth Hall (on the porch) at their home on 27 Dell St., East Longmeadow in 1958. Photo courtesy of Garnett Hall.
The B & B Market at 19 N. Main St., shown here in 1958, was a popular store in the center of East Longmeadow where many of us bought penny candy. It opened in 1953 and moved to 53 N. Main St. in 1963. Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.
The Center around 1958. Photo by Neil Doherty.
Donna Anderson's sixth birthday party in November 1958. Clockwise from front: Donna Anderson, Jarl Weyant, Leslie Bergeron, Clark Swanson, Janet Anderson (ELHS 1972), Sue Jasinski, Brian Falk. Photo courtesy of Donna Anderson.

Brownies in Project

East Longmeadow Public Library bookmark from 1962.
East Longmeadow Public Library card. Photo courtesy of Meredith Weiner Mowen, ELHS 1977.

Nighttime photo between September 1959 and March 1960. Left to right: Springfield Five Cents Savings Bank, Nooney Hardware, East Longmeadow Pharmacy, Big Ben Town House, and The Center Department Store. The First Congregational Church steeple is lit up in the background.


Article in Springfield Union, Jan. 23, 1963.

An aerial photo of the Center and surrounding area taken on Apr. 29, 1963. This is a high resolution photo, so feel free to zoom in for greater detail.
On May 1, 1963 the new post office opened at 100 Shaker Rd., moving from its old location at 18 Shaker Rd.
Another view of the post office on Jun. 1, 1963.

Photo with caption from the Sep. 4, 1963 Springfield Daily News: "NORTHAMPTON - This is a good idea for the the theme of a "mutual admiration society" as these two friends speak unspoken words to each other as the Three Country Fair went into its third day. Little Miss Patricia Donovan of East Longmeadow silently expressed her thanks to her Brown Swiss animal for behaving so nicely and winning her the senior grand champion blue ribbon during the 4-H judging contest. Patricia is 11, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Donovan of 12 Chestnut St. and will enter the sixth grade at Birchland Park."
Kids at Camp Wilder, Parker St., Springfield MA in 1964. Front row: unknown, unknown, Chris Bartley. Row 2: all unknown. Row 3: unknown, unknown, unknown, Paul Anderson (Larry Cooper's next door neighbor, about 2 years older than us), unknown, unknown, Larry Cooper, Mr. Russ Snow (counselor). Photo courtesy of Betty Cooper, Larry's mom.
Fire trucks in front of the combined police and fire station on Maple St., in September 1964. A dedication ceremony for the building was held on Mar. 15, 1953.
North Main St. with the dry bridge in the distance in September 1964. In 1965, the road was widened and the dry bridge reconstructed. Left side: Kelly-Fradet Lumber Co. Right side: Friendly Ice Cream, Polar Whip drive-in restaurant, and Gulf Service station. Friendly's opened in June 1958. In our class ballot, we voted it our favorite rendezvous.
Looking up N. Main St. in September 1964. Left side: City Line package store, Golden Hour restaurant. Right side: delicatessen, City Line Pharmacy, Eaton's service station, Blue Moon restaurant, Mobil service station.

Boy Scouts from Troop 99, which met at the Methodist Church, and Troop 179, which met at the Congregational Church, march in the 1964 Veterans Day parade. Several of our classmates were in these troops. Photo courtesy of Robert Moore.
A second photo of the Boy Scouts in the 1964 Veterans Day parade. Photo courtesy of Robert Moore.

Approaching the Center on N. Main St. in 1965, following the widening of N. Main St. in 1964. Popular Market on the right side.
Looking up N. Main St. in 1965, following completion of the widening of N. Main St. The dry bridge is seen in the distance where the road rises, just past Harkness Ave. On the left is a portion of the Brockway-Smith-Haigh-Lovell plant, a major distributor of windows, doors, millwork, and moldings. On the right is a portion of the sign for the Jumbo Supermarket.
Memorial Day ceremony, May 31, 1965 in the Center. To the right of the flag is The Village Smithy hardware store. Photo courtesy of Robert Moore.
A second photo of the 1965 Memorial Day ceremony. In the background are The Village Smithy hardware store, the Masonic Temple (later The Livery/Teen Center) and the building housing the Big Ben Town House and the Center Department Store. Photo courtesy of Robert Moore.
A combination of the above two photos yields this wonderful panoramic view.
Top: Diane LaFave, Ann Tesoro, and Pam Johnson at Diane's 13th birthday party. Bottom: Deb Hanson, Susan White?, and Nancy Holland at Diane's party. Photos courtesy of Diane LaFave.
East Longmeadow Boy Scout Troops 99 and 179 at the Horace A. Moses Scout Reservation, Woronoco, MA in the summer of 1965. Left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Mr. Ken Rose (Troop 99 scoutmaster, back to camera), unknown, Malcolm Butler (ELHS 69), Richard Reis (ELHS 68), Marty Parks (ELHS 71), Dave Carpenter, Bruce Moore, Gary Serwatka (ELHS 71), Scott Moore, Koby Borodkin (with us through 9th grade), Jan Borodkin (face hidden), John Moore (ELHS 71), unknown. Photo courtesy of Robert Moore.
Troop 99 neckerchief. Photo courtesy of Larry Butler (ELHS 1967), a troop member.
Bluebird Acres Farm on Parker St. in the early 1960s. Photo courtesy of Kim Wiezbicki Trudeau, ELHS '74.
Bluebird Acres sometime between 1965 and 1975. Photo courtesy of Kim Wiezbicki Trudeau, ELHS '74.

Many of our parents and some of us had accounts at one or more of the four banks in town.
Springfield Safe Deposit and Trust Company on Maple St. near the Center. The East Longmeadow branch opened in 1948 and was located in the portion of the building which later became the Big Ben Town House. It moved to this location in 1957, the approximate year of this photo. In 1962, "Springfield" was dropped from the name and the bank was renamed the Safe Deposit and Trust Co. In November 1967 the building was remodeled and expanded (see photo below). In 1968 the bank became First Bank and Trust Co., and Shawmut First Bank by 1975. Donna Anderson's mom worked here.
Shawmut First Bank on Maple St. in 1975. Kathy and Bob Price's mom worked here.

The Third National Bank of Hampden County, on Shaker Rd. next to Dave's Foodtown, opened on Jan. 8, 1968. Is exterior had panels of East Longmeadow smooth and rough-hewn brownstone from the McCormick Longmeadow Stone Co. quarry on Somers Rd. Photo courtesy of ELHS 1970 yearbook.
The Valley Bank and Trust Co. bank, seen in this fisheye lens view, opened on Jan. 12, 1968, just four days after The Third National Bank on Shaker Rd. opened. It was located on N. Main St., near the Center, on land previously occupied by the old B & B Market. Photo courtesy of ELHS 1969 yearbook.

Reverend Reuben Martin officiates at a baptism ceremony inside the church on Meadowbrook Rd. in December 1963.
The First Baptist Church at its current location, 50 Parker St.

First Congregational Church at 7 Somers Rd. around 1970. The original building, smaller than the one pictured here, was erected in 1828 and was located further up Somers Rd. It was moved to its present location in 1859. Photo courtesy of Roy Longueil.
Altar inside the church. Photo courtesy of church archives.

The Methodist Church around 1910, with a view down Elm St. Photo courtesy of Orin Hunn.

The United Methodist Church at 7 Center Square around 1969. A bell, chimes, and four clocks were added to the steeple in 1953, its centennial year. The building was razed in May 1969 during the church's relocation to Somers Rd. The clocks were saved and later mounted on an adjacent building, where they remain to this day. Photo courtesy of the East Longmeadow Town Report.

Pastors during our time were the Reverend Ralph C. Crandall (1943-1961); the Reverend William R. Valentine, Jr. (1961-1966); and the Reverend P. Dale Neufer (1966-1976). Please see our life tributes for Reverend Crandall, Reverend Valentine, and Reverend Neufer.
Rev. Valentine later in life.
St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church and rectory on Somers Rd. around 1905. The church was erected in 1887.
St.Michael's rectory and church at 49 and 47 Somers Rd. around 1914. Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.
St. Michael's Parish on Somers Rd., likely in the early 1900s. Photo courtesy of St. Michael's Parish.
St. Michael's Parish on Somers Rd. before Somers Rd. was paved.
Altar inside the church during a wedding in 1946. Photo courtesy of St. Michael's Parish.
Our Lady of Peace statue, to the left of the church, being crowned, around 1962. Photo courtesy of St. Michael's Parish.
St. Michael's Parish in February 1969, with Our Lady of Peace statue to the left. By this time, the steeple had been removed. The church relocated to Maple St. in 1970. On Feb. 24, 1972 this building was razed. According to Rev. Wolohan, the building was in too deteriorated a state to be sold or renovated.

Close-up of the Our Lady of Peace statue. Photo courtesy of St. Michael's Parish.
Close-up of the Our Lady of Peace statue.
Another close-up of the Our Lady of Peace statue.
The altar inside the church on Maple St.

St. Michael's Parish Hall on Somers Rd. Ground for the hall was broken on Jul. 1, 1957. Sunday masses were celebrated here for the first time on Jan. 26, 1958. The hall accommodated approximately 750 people, compared to the 250 to 275 people of the nearby church. It made it possible for all people attending the masses to be seated, thus fulfilling one of the requirements of the new facility, the elimination of overcrowding.
1969 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine graduating class, St. Michael's Parish. Tom Sullivan and Tony Zampiceni were in this class. Almost all the others are from the ELHS class of 1969. Photo courtesy of Tom Sullivan. See names under close-ups below.
Front Row: Gary Lieberwirth, John Wrinkle, Mark Lacedonia, William Meehan, Robert Dunn, Gary Rugani, Thomas O'Brien, Tony Zampiceni. Row 2: John Haggerty, Howard Belliveau, unknown, unknown (partially hidden), Paul Brasile, Tom Sullivan, Arthur Illig. Row 3: unknown, unknown, unknown, Phyllis McDonald, Carol Crosier, Joan Nolan. Rows 4 and 5: unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Patricia Filipek, Deidre Kelly, unknown, Michelle Meunier, unknown, Marcia Lynch, unknown, unknown, Sally Benoit, unknown, unknown.
1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine graduating class, St. Michael's Parish, April 1970. See names under close-ups below. Photo courtesy of Rich Mondoux.
Front row: Arlene Breau, Pam Stenard, Ann Marie Hearn, Julie McCabe, unknown, Nancy Yacovone, unknown, Rev. John Wolohan. Row 2: Kurt Whitney, Steve St. Marie, Bob Bradley, Peter Garafalo, Roy Esposito, Peter Ouellette, Thomas McCabe. Row 3: John Illig, Tim Lynch, Debbie Andwood, Debbie Butler, Liz Lasek, Nancy Wrinkle, Nancy Holland, Nancy Cauley, Nancy Blaisdell.
Front row: Rev. Robert Coonan, Jane Viveiros, Linda Redin, Brenda Misitano, Cathy Maurer, Sue Regnier, Nancy Sroka, Gil Paquette?, Steve Viger. Row 2: Paul Lieberwirth, Stan Sroka, Bill Creighton, Dennis Plante, Jim Manferdini, Al Raimondi, Todd Cormier, Rick Oliveri, Mark Whitney. Row 3: Jayne Anderson, unknown, Kathy LaBerge, Suzanne Dreyer, Janice Breen, Andrea Hastings, Ellen Hopkins, Rich Mondoux, Wayne Scully.

Pastors during our time were the Reverend John R. Wolohan (1949-1979); the Reverend John P. Lucey (1956-1960); the Reverend John J. O'Donnell (1960-1962); the Reverend Hugh F. Crean, Jr. (1962-1969); and the Reverend Robert J. Coonan (1969-1981). Please see our life tributes for Reverend Wolohan, Reverend Lucey, and Reverend Crean. Reverend Coonan resides in East Longmeadow. Please contact us if you have information on the status/location of Reverend O'Donnell.
An undated photo of St. Paul Lutheran Church at 30 Somers Rd., near the Center. The congregation was established in 1890 by Swedish quarrymen and their wives, and named the Gustavus Adolphus Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Later, the name was changed to St. Paul Lutheran Church. In 1961 the church relocated to Elm St.
St. Paul Lutheran Church at 181 Elm St. The church closed on Nov. 7, 2022. It was sold to an Assemblies of God congregation comprised mostly of Ghanians, who had been renting space there for several years.
View of the church from Mapleshade Ave.
Altar inside the church on Elm St. Photo courtesy of Sal Ficara.

Undated but older photo of St. Mark's Episcopal Church at 1 Porter Rd. The service of dedication and confirmation for this building was held on Mar. 19, 1965.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church in 2013.
1960 Phillies baseball team, champions in the Charles Turner 8-9 League. Front row players: Erwin Belorusky, Bruce Cohen, Francis Dlugos, Michael Allen, Bobby Goodrich, Paul LaMarche, Rich Mondoux. Row 2 players: Tom Crabtree, Bernie Sweeney, Mike DiMonaco, Jim Latourelle, Ken Roy, John Hamilton. Missing players: Howie Belliveau and Jonathan Hird. Back Row: Mr. Jim Perry (coach), Mr. Robert Latourelle (manager), Mr. Norm Mondoux (coach and Rich Mondoux's dad). Final standings of the 8-9 year teams: Phillies won 15, lost 1; Braves, 12 and 4; Cubs, 8 and 8; Cardinals, 6 and 9 (one game not played); Dodgers 5 and 11; Pirates, 1 and 14 (one game not played). Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.
Opening day for Little League baseball on May 13, 1961 at the Center Little League diamond. Mr. Gerard Pellegrini, chairman of the Board of Selectman throws a ceremonial pitch to the batter, Mr. John Lundgren, chairman of the Board of Public Works. Although none of our classmates are in this photo (we started Little League the following year), it's a lovely historical picture of the Little League diamond. Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.
Opening day of baseball on May 20, 1961 of the Charles Turner 8-9 League at the Center Little League diamond, East Longmeadow. Mr. Marshall Hanson, a longtime umpire for the East Longmeadow Recreation Association, is at the microphone. Members of the Phillies baseball team on the right include some of our classmates. Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.
Another photo of opening day for the Charles Turner League on May 20, 1961 at the Center Little League Diamond for the Charles Turner 8-9 League. Several of our classmates, as well as our fathers, who served as coaches, are pictured here. Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.
Opening day of baseball on May 19, 1962 at the Center Little League diamond. The six Little League teams are seen here, with the 1961 champions, the Bruins, near the pitching mound. Many of our classmates and fathers are in this picture. Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.

1962 Comets softball team at Mapleshade School softball field. The Comets were one of four teams in the Junior Girls' Softball League, the others being the Dragons, Green Sox, and Jets. See names under close-ups below. Please email Scott Moore with any additions or corrections. Photo courtesy of Bill and Alice Maybury.
Names with year graduated. Front row: Cheryl Reed (Cathedral, 1969), Donna Tranghese (1970), Susan Circosta (1970), Marsha Coons (1970), Sue Seppanen (1968). Row 2: Mrs. Alice Maybury (manager), unknown, Joyce Hannah (MacDuffie, 1968), Karen Maybury (1967), Carolyn Swanson (1967).
Names with year graduated. Front row: Mary Lou Waterman (1969), unknown, Pat St. Peter (1969), Barbie Darby (1969), Mary Ellen Boyd (1969). Row 2: Cyndi Maybury (1968), Paula Zuccalo (1968), Lori Pelligrini (Cathedral, 1967), Bonnie Paige (1968), Mr. Bill Maybury (coach), Patrice Lafferty (1969).
Opening Day ceremonies for the 1963 East Longmeadow Little League. See names under closeups below. Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.
Adults: Members of the umpire staff - - - Mr. Harry Coles, unknown; Mr. John W. Dunlop (Chairman, Board of Public Works). Panthers, front row: Bob Lundgren, Bruce Moore, Bob Boulrice, Scott Coles, Kurt Whitney, Wayne Scully, Matty D'Amato. Panthers, back row: unknown, unknown, unknown (partially hidden), unknown, unknown (partially hidden), Jackie Blaisdell, Scott Moore.
Adults: Mr. Marshall Hanson, Little League president; Mr. Richard E. Hickey (Chairman, Board of Selectmen); members of the umpire staff - - - unknown, unknown. Orioles, front row: Andy Byrne, unknown, unknown, Gary Tarpinian, Leon Comstock, unknown. Orioles, back row: Erwin Belorusky (wearing glasses), Bob Barney, unknown, unknown, Doug Nilson, unknown.

Springfield Union newspaper articles, Aug. 11, 1964, detailing the Girls Junior Softball League championship series. Mrs. Angela Gour, mentioned in the second article, is Marilyn Gour Kelly's mother. Courtesy of The Republican.
Springfield Union newspaper articles, Aug. 13 and 17, 1964, detailing the second and third game of the championship series, and the all-star team players. Courtesy of The Republican.
Opening day of Little League baseball in 1965 at the Center Little League diamond, East Longmeadow. Photo courtesy of Bruce Moore.
Panthers Little League baseball team in June 1965. Mr. Matthew D'Amato (coach), Keith Whitney, Mark Hammond, Scott Davis, Vinnie Villamaino, John Moore, unknown (in back with glasses), Michael Donohue, Matty D'Amato, Kurt Whitney, unknown, Doug Hanna, unknown, Bruce Moore, Felix Tranghese, Ralph Nooney. Photo courtesy of Robert Moore.
Springfield Union newspaper article, June 12, 1965. Courtesy of The Republican.
The Village Smithy hardware store in the Center (formerly Nooney Hardware). Mr. Robert Smith bought the store from Mr. Sanford Nooney in June 1962.
Another photo of The Village Smithy.
Parking lot in back of the Methodist Church in the 1960s. Seen here are the back of the Esso station, East Longmeadow Music, and Bishop & McCollum appliance store. On the other side of the fence is the brick parish house of the Methodist Church; and in the background, on N. Main St., are the Gulf and Mobil Service Stations, and Popular Market.
The flags of 18 nations are displayed in the Center on United Nations Day, Oct. 24, 1967.
Another shot of the flags in the Center green on United Nations Day, Oct. 24, 1967. The words "Stop, Look, Walk" were painted at every crosswalk.
In November 1967, the library moved into its new quarters, the former Carlisle Hardware building, which was expanded and remodeled for library use. The former library was converted to office space for several town departments.
The First Methodist Church, at the corner of Center Square and Elm St., around 1967. Several classmates attended this church. On the left are church members Mr. Charles Spaulding and his wife, Barbara. Laura Moore (ELHS 1974), with back to camera, speaks with her mother, Mrs. Jean Moore, also the mother of classmates Bruce and Scott Moore. The Congregational Church is in the background. Photo courtesy of Robert Moore.
Dave's Foodtown (later Dave's Food Basket) on Shaker Rd. The store opened in October 1959. Photo courtesy of the 1967 ELHS yearbook.
Larry Cooper's Eagle Scout medal, the Boy Scouts of America's highest award.
Looking toward Maple St. in the late 1960s, Boston and Maine Railroad car No. 1202 is seen on the right at the Community Feed Store. In the distance, on the left, we believe the R. E. Phelon Co. is seen. The railroad served many East Longmeadow businesses, including the Brockway-Smith-Haigh-Lovell and Kelly-Fradet Lumber Companies on N. Main St.; Community Feed Stores on Maple St.; Package Machinery Co. on Chestnut St.; and Milton Bradley Co. on Shaker Rd.
Vincent's Barber Shop on Prospect St. in 1968. The shop opened in 1949 across the street and later moved to Shaker Rd. Photo courtesy of 1968 ELHS yearbook.
Mr. Vincent "Vinnie" Graziano (front) and Mr. Charles "Chick" Pace of Vincent's Barber Shop in 1969. Vinnie owned the shop from 1949 until 1996. He passed away in 2010. Chick worked in the shop for 52 years, passing away in 2011. Photo courtesy of 1969 ELHS yearbook.

It's difficult to separate the rows, but here goes: Front row: Mr. William C. Hendrick (Pat's dad), Paul Hendrick (Pat's brother), Sue Pomeroy, unknown, unknown. Row 2: Susan Collins (with beret and glasses), Rebecca Mackintire (wearing glasses). Row 3: Elena Ianuzzi, Elaine Pauly. Row 4: Gail Bortle (wearing beret), Debbie Davis, Betsy Simms, Paula Wenning. Row 5: Bonnie McMahon (wearing glasses), unknown (head turned to the side), unknown (wearing glasses). Row 6: unknown adult, Dawn Merrill, Sandy Hutchinson. Row 7: Marsha Wood, unknown (wearing glasses), Laura Dalessio. Row 8: Pat Farrell, Jane Mertz (wearing glasses).
It's difficult to separate the rows, but here goes: Front row: Rep. Vernon Farnsworth Jr., Lt Gov. Francis W. Sargent, Mrs. Jean Kinney (Lynne's mom). Row 2: Maryann Omelia (wearing glasses), Melissa Murphy, Mrs. Pauline Hendrick (Pat's mom). Row 3: Toni Panetta (long hair), Beth Pomeroy, Ruth Mackintire. Row 4: unknown (head turned sideways and hidden), unknown, Linda Breau (head turned sideways), unknown. Row 5: Regina Bean. Row 6: unknown (wearing glasses), unknown, Karen Brown. Row 7: Pat Hendrick, Mrs. Barbara Murphy.
Order of the Rainbow for Girls, East Longmeadow Assembly No. 14, in 1968. The leaders of young ladies: Phyllis Vagts, Worthy Associate Advisor; Bonnie Paige, Charity; Susan Waterman, Faith; Cynthia Richard, Hope. Photo courtesy of 1968 ELHS yearbook.
Bluebird Acres on Parker St. in November 1968.
East Longmeadow rotary from Maple St. in 1969. Photo courtesy of the Springfield Daily News.
The Center on Apr. 10, 1969 from the town hall. In the background are the United Methodist Church, Bishop and McCollum appliance/tv/stereo store, East Longmeadow Music, and the Esso service station.
Another view of the Center on Apr. 10, 1969. The flag is at half-mast for President Eisenhower, who passed away on Mar. 28, 1969.
The Center on Apr. 10, 1969 from the First Congregational Church. Clockwise from left: Buckley's Pharmacy, Country House furniture/upholstery store, Gulf service station, Popular Market, Valley Bank, Mobil service station, United Methodist Church, Bishop and McCollum appliance/tv/stereo store, and East Longmeadow Music.
The United Methodist Church steeple is being removed as part of the razing of the church in May 1969. The new United Methodist Church was under construction at 215 Somers Rd. The clocks were saved and mounted on an adjacent building, where they remain to this day. Photo courtesy of the East Longmeadow Town Report.
Looking into the rotary from N. Main St. in May 1969. The United Methodist Church, built in 1853, is being razed. Also seen here are the Mobil service station, First Congregational Church, and Gulf service station.
Three fire trucks and the fire chief's car in front of the fire station on Maple St. in 1969.

Order of the Rainbow for Girls, East Longmeadow Assembly No. 14, in 1969. The leaders of young ladies: Allison Lipp, Charity; Cynthia Richard, Worthy Advisor; Lynne Kinney, Faith; Janet Betterley, Hope. Not pictured: Susan Waterman, Worthy Associate Advisor. Photo courtesy of 1969 ELHS yearbook.
Article from the Springfield Republican, in 1969 or 1970.
The East Longmeadow Community Band performed in the summer of 1969 as part of a six-week fine arts program celebrating the town's 75th anniversary. This photo appeared in the Springfield Union newspaper, Aug. 11, 1969. Top row percussion players: Scott Moore, unknown, Peter Gosselin (ELHS 1973), David Gee (ELHS 1969), unknown. Trumpet players: unknown, Paul Krasnovsky (ELHS 1968), Ricky Stockwell (ELHS 1974), Paul Texiera (ELHS 1974). Trombone players: unknown adult man, unknown girl. Bottom row: unknown girl playing bassoon, unknown (hidden) playing clarinet, Bill Sharon (ELHS 1973) playing saxophone, Paul Kinney (ELHS 1972) playing saxophone.
East Longmeadow fire fighters paint the back of the Livery/Teen Center building on Shaker Rd., near the Center, in June 1969. The rear of the Center Department Store is on the left. Originally a horse stable, the building was converted into the Masonic Temple in 1921. In 1965, with the pending move of the Masonic Temple to Chestnut St., the town bought the building. It was renamed The Livery in 1968, and served as a drop-in center for teens and senior citizens until it was demolished in 1974. Some of our classmates are seen inside in the photo below.
1970 yearbook ad for the Livery/Teen Center on Shaker Road: "a place to be . . . to do your thing . . . to love . . . to live." Seen here from our class are Henry Dickinson, Doug Goodrich, and Bob Price.
Order of the Rainbow for Girls, East Longmeadow Assembly No. 74, in 1970. The leaders of young ladies: Jenifer Beach, Hope; Deborah Coto, Charity; Lynne Kinney, Worthy Advisor; Chris Henault, Worthy Associate Advisor; Janet Betterley, Junior Past Worthy Advisor. Not pictured: Judith Thomas, Faith. Photo courtesy of 1970 ELHS yearbook.
Brownstone Chapter, Order of Demolay in 1970. Left to right: Stephen Viger, Master Councilor; David Hansen, Senior Councilor; Robert Russell, Junior Councilor. Photo courtesy of our yearbook.
Caption from our 1970 yearbook: "Service with a smile from Ann Tesoro at Dave's Food Basket plus Triple-S Blue Stamps."
The police and fire stations on Maple St. around 1970.
Popular Market on N. Main St., near the Center, in 1971. The store opened in January 1957.
Article in Springfield Union newspaper, April 19, 1970. Courtesy of The Republican.
Article in Springfield Union newspaper, May 3, 1970. Courtesy of The Republican.
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