Birchland Park Jr. High School

Note: to see other schools we attended prior to high school, click on the "Kindergarten Thru 8th Grade" link to the left and then on the school of interest.
Birchland Park Elementary and Birchland Park Junior High Schools shared the same building on Hanward Hill. The school opened in September 1951 and closed in 2000 when the new Birchland Park Middle School opened. Some of us attended sixth grade there and our entire class attended seventh and eighth grades there. The school day for seventh and eighth grades was 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
In 1959, before we began school there, an addition was added, including an art room, a home economics room for sewing, an industrial arts shop with an adjacent mechanical drawing room, four general science rooms, four interchangeable classrooms, and a new teachers' room for both men and women.
Please scroll down the page or click on a link below. 
Birchland Park Elementary and Junior High School in 1952.
Birchland Park Elementary and Junior High School from Elmcrest St. in 1953.
Birchland Park Elementary and Junior High School during our time.
A portion of the school from Hanward Hill in 1966. On the left is the metal shop with the mechanical drawing room in the back. To its right is the wood shop, and then the auditorium, with the gymnasium, barely visible, in the background.
Birchland Park main entrance in 1975.
Personnel Who Served Us
Name, current location or * year passed away (click on name for life tribute)
 Please contact us with updates.
 Mr. Stuart E. Crapser, Principal* 1986
Mr. Angelo J. Correale, Jr., Assistant Principal* 2014
Mr. Douglas P. Habel, Assistant Principal* 2001
Mr. Crapser; Mr. Correale, assistant principal during sixth and seventh grades; Mr. Habel, assistant principal during eighth grade. 
Secretary to the Principal
Guidance Counselors
 Mr. Francis J. DeSantis* 2020
Miss Rosemarie E. Gill* 2023
Mrs. Carol A. Roberts, location/status unknown
Miss Gill
Mrs. Dorothy O. Carmody (Mrs. Dorothy Sawyer during our time and Debbie Sawyer Sockol's mom)* 2022

Miss Robbins in 1930, during her senior year at the High School of Commerce.

School Physician and Nurses
School physician Dr. Quinn; school nurses Mrs. Hayward and Mrs. Fiske.
Seventh and Eighth Grade Teachers
Mrs. Jeanne L. Comiskey, location/status unknown
Mrs. Teresa M. Donahue, Venice FL
Mrs. Donahue in 1968.
Mr. Paul C. Cavallo, Agawam MA
Miss Edith S. Dorang, Longmeadow MA
Mr. Robert A. Mazzariello, East Longmeadow MA
Mr. James B. O'Hearn, Somers CT
Miss Bereswill in 1968; Mr. Cavallo in 1966; Miss Dorang in 1957 (college graduation photo); Mrs. Gladden in 1974; Mr. Habel.
Miss Humberston in 1960 (college graduation photo); Mrs. Krause in 1977; Mr. Mazzariello in 1969; Mr. O'Hearn in 1964 (college graduation photo).  
Miss Donovan in 1965. 
Home Economics
Mrs. Barbara N. Bonin (later Mrs. Barbara B. Larch) (Jean Bonin LeFevre's mom)* 2003
Mrs. Anderson in 1966; Mrs. Bonin (undated photo).
Industrial Arts
Mr. Cango in 1971; Mr. Mushenski in 1974.
Mr. John H. Courtney, Wilbraham MA
Mrs. Jean S. Finnegan, Longmeadow MA
Mr. William P. Koscher, Cape Coral FL
Mr. Cadwell (undated photo); Mr. Courtney in 1972; Mrs. Finnegan in 1974; Mr. Godfrey in 1956.
Mr. Koscher in 1965 (college graduation photo); Mr. Lundrigan in 1966; Mr. Tarsa in 1968; Mrs. Worthing in 1948 (college graduation photo).
Music department chairman Mr. Charron and vocal music teacher Mrs.  Corliss in 1964.
Physical Education
 Mrs. Violet A. Benoit* 2021
Mr. Arthur A. Moses, Hampden MA
Mr. Allan B. Pash* 2006
Mrs. Benoit in 1967; Mr. Moses in 1978; Mr. Pash in 1981.
Mr. Edward T. Myers, location/status unknown
Mr. Dominick H. Parisi, Windsor Locks CT
Mr. Norman A. Wytas, Kissimmee FL
Mr. Bunce in 1968; Mr. Hellstein in 1966; Mr. Moylan in 1964; Mr. Myers in 1964.
Mr. Novicki in 1942 (college graduation photo); Mr. Parisi in 1969; Mr. Rozkuszka in 1975; Mr. Wytas in 1967.
Social Studies
Mr. Walter S. Coon, Jr., Centerville MA
Miss Judith A. Gallant (now Mrs. Judith A. Lech), Hampden MA
Mr. Thomas D. Huntington, location/status unknown
Mr. Ronald J. Lech, Hampden MA
Mr. Bowler in 1974; Mr. Coon in 1977; Mr. O'Connor in 1959 (college graduation photo); Mrs. Reynolds in 1966.

Physical education teacher Mrs. Violet Benoit in June 1966. Photo courtesy of Kristine Kasmer Sinicrope.

Home economics teacher Mrs. Marjorie Anderson in June 1966. Photo courtesy of Kristine Kasmer Sinicrope.

Social studies teacher Mrs. Winifred Reynolds in June 1966. Photo courtesy of Kristine Kasmer Sinicrope.

English teacher Mr. Paul Cavallo in June 1966. Photo courtesy of Kristine Kasmer Sinicrope.

Science teacher Mr. Richard Hellstein in June 1966. Photo courtesy of Kristine Kasmer Sinicrope.

Science teachers Mr. Richard Rozkuszka, left, and Mr. Gary Bunce in June 1966. Photo courtesy of Kristine Kasmer Sinicrope.

This photo was taken on St. Patrick's Day, Mar. 17, 1967, nine months after we left Birchland Park Junior High, at a student/faculty basketball game. Miss Dorang, Mrs. Benoit, Mrs. Donahue, and Miss Gallant are teachers we had who are seen here. Row 1: Miss Edith Dorang (English), Mrs. Violet Benoit (physical education), Mrs. Gabriele McCombe (6th grade), Miss Susan Hynek (math). Row 2: Mrs. Teresa Donahue (art), Miss Judith Eben (home economics), Mrs. Phyllis Jerusik (6th grade), Miss Judith Gallant (social studies), unknown. Photo courtesy of Kristine Kasmer Sinicrope.
Seventh Grade Homeroom Rosters 

Mrs. Finnegan 

Susan Abel, Donna Anderson, Jayne Anderson, William Anderson, Sandra Andrews, Debra Andwood, Adele Archie, James Aubin, Monica Barry, Robert Bartlett, Linda Bates, Paul Battige, Leonard Beaulieu, Patricia Berard, Leslie Bergeron, Janet Betterley, Nancy Birtwell, Donna Bitzer, Richard Bjorklund, Judith Bliss, Jean Bonin, Ellen Bonneville, Koby Borodkin, Christine Bortle, James Bourque, Kendra Bowker, Laura Bradley, Lawrence Bradley, Robert Bradley, William Schmitter.

Mr. Tarsa

Adrienne Arnum, Arlene Breau, Janice Breen, Daniel Brenton, Nancy Bryson, Carolyn Buck, Andrea Burger, Nancy Burritt, Jeffrey Burton, Marlene Cabana, Debra Campanella, David Carpenter, Nancy Cauley, Stephanie Chmielewski, Thomas Churchill, Susan Circosta, Robert Clark, Donna Colapietro, Alicia Coles, Harry Coles, Bradford Cook, Marsha Coons, Lawrence Cooper, Steven Corey, Todd Cormier, Alison Cox, Jeffrey Crary, William Creighton, Christine D'Angelo, Debra David, Beth Davidson, William Davis.

Mrs. Spolzino/Mr. Harvey

Denise Descheneaux, Julia Devine, Henry Dickinson, Michael DiMonaco, Beverly Dion, John Dlugos, Frederick Doersam, Ralph Donohue, Jeanne Donovan, Patricia Donovan, Suzanne Dreyer, Barbara Ducharme, Bruce Duncan, Lois Dusenberry, Donald Eddy, Christopher Edwards, Dorothy Edwards, Karen Esposito, John Evans, Brian Falk, Deborah Sawyer.

Mr. Smith

David Farioli, Andrew Farquharson, Linda Farrell, Donna Fiorentino, Dean Florian, Steven Gagner, David Gallerani, Nancy Galvin, Armand Gamache, Richard Garrett, Constance Garvey, Stephen Geoffrion, Frank Gibney, James Gilmartin, Dale Goddard, Eddie Goguen, Douglas Goodrich, Marilyn Gour, Deborah Gray, Linda Gray, Richard Grimaldi, Mark Hadeler, John Haetinger, Garnett Hall, Kenneth Hall, Deborah Hanson, Theodore Harper, Vivian Haskell, Andrea Hastings, Ann Marie Hearn, Patricia Hendrick, Nancy Holland, Mary Ann Lamoureux.

Mr. Cadwell

Mary Holotka, John Illig, Lisa Italiano, Susan Jasinski, Nancy Jenne, Pamela Johnson, Eileen Jordan, John Keane, Robert Keane, Douglas Keith, Douglas Kenyon, William Kenyon, Lynne Kinney, Edward Kopec, Dennis Kronenberg, Joseph Kwasnik, Katherine LaBerge, Paul LaBroad, Diane LaFave, Linda LaLiberte, Mary Ann LaLima, Carl Larson, Elizabeth Lasek, Nancy Lavertue, Edward Lemanski, Paul Lieberwirth, Victor Linden, Bruce Lindwall, Allison Lipp, Mary Lynch, Timothy Lynch, Richard Malmstrom, Eva Nichols.

Mr. Mazzariello

Marilyn Man, James Manferdini, Candice Marino, Karen Martin, Virginia Martin, Stephen Mascaro, August Maserati, Catherine Maurer, Richard Maurer, Patricia May, Lee Mazzaferro, Thomas McCabe, David McCallum, Janet McCarthy, Susan McGill, John McGrady, Paul McNamara, Marilyn Medbury, Lois Melbourne, Frederic Merchant, Jane Mertz, Douglas Milroy, Thomas Mineo, Frank Miorandi, Brenda Misitano, Richard Mondoux, Jean Montana, Bruce Moore, Scott Moore, Alan Morris, Linda Mottle, Pamela Murphy, Thomas Murray.

Miss Humberston

Mitch Dante, David Lariviere, Gregory Naylor, Stephen Newell, Ralph Nooney, Kim O'Brien, Enrico Oliveri, Nola Olmsted, John Ouellette, Peter Ouellette, Thomas Ouellette, Ross Overlock, David Owen, Jane Passburg, Kathryn Pedersen, Priscilla Perusse, Richard Pesto, Debra Peterson, Susan Petronino, Dennis Plante, Carl Porcelli, Kathleen Price, Robert A. Price, Robert M. Price, Eleanor Ramey, Linda Redin, Susan Regnier, Michele Roy, Patricia Ryan, Susan Saacke, Pamela Sakakeeny, Debra Simons.

Mr. Lech

Anna D'Angelo, Noreen Dubour, Bruce Ostrander, John Quinn, David Radebaugh, Michael Rafferty, Albert Raimondi, Robert Reis, Marion Renzi, Cynthia Richards, Joanne Rinaldi, Joseph Roy, David Sand, WIlliam Scheumann, Wayne Scully, Paula Seligman, Kenneth Sheret, Maria Siano, Mark Simone, Sharon Soares, William Soares, William Stark, Nancy Steitz, Dorothy Stellato, Christine Stewart, Paul Stilphen, Stephen St. Marie, John Stolecki, Susan Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, Clark Swanson, Jeanne Symmes, Charles Taylor, Gail Taylor.

Mr. Coon

Robert Ireland, Ann Tesoro, Donna Tranghese, Felix Tranghese, Regina Truitt, David Turnberg, Donald Turnberg, Gail Vagts, Nancy Vallett, Stephen Viger, John Vigliano, Jane Viveiros, Phyllis Vogel, Edward Warren, Susan Waterman, Robert Wenning, Jarl Weyant, Melinda Wheeler, Malcolm White, Susan White, Kurt Whitney, Susan Wicks, David Wieland, James Wilkins, Richard Willard, Susan Wolcott, Jonathan Wolf, Nancy Wrinkle, Nancy Yacovone, Anthony Zampiceni, Ellen Zimmerman.

Larry Cooper's 7th Grade Report Card Envelope and Report Cards


Art --- Mrs. Jeanne Comiskey.


Music --- Mrs. Jean Corliss.

English --- Mrs. Estelle Krause.

Industrial Arts (wood shop) --- Mr. Victor Mushenski. 

Math --- Mr. Harvey Cadwell.

Physical education --- Mr. Allan Pash.

Science --- Mr. Gary Bunce and Mr. Norman Wytas.

Social studies --- Mr. John Bowler. 

Apr. 1, 1965 newspaper article ---7th grade, fourth marking period honor roll.

1965 newspaper article --- 7th grade, fifth marking period honor roll. 
Eighth Grade Alphabetical Class Roster 
Susan Abel, Donna Anderson, Jayne Anderson, William Anderson, Sandra Andrews, Deborah Andwood, Adele Archie, James Aubin
Sandra Babcock, Monica Barry, Robert Bartlett, Linda Bates, Paul Battige, Leonard Beaulieu, John Beery, Lynn Belliveau, Patricia Berard, Leslie Bergeron, Janet Betterley, Nancy Birtwell, Donna Bitzer, Richard Bjorklund, Nancy Blaisdell, Judith Bliss, Jean Bonin, Ellen Bonneville, Koby Borodkin, Christine Bortle, James Bourque, Kendra Bowker, Laura Bradley, Lawrence Bradley, Robert Bradley, Arlene Breau, Janice Breen, Sandra Brennan, Daniel Brenton, Nancy Bryson, Carolyn Buck, Andrea Burger, Nancy Burritt, Jeffrey Burton, Debra Butler
Marlene Cabana, Debra Campanella, David Carpenter, Nancy Cauley, Stephanie Chmielewski, Thomas Churchill, Susan Circosta, Robert Clark, Donna Colapietro, Alica Coles, Harry Coles, Bradford Cook, Marsha Coons, Lawrence Cooper, Steven Corey, Todd Cormier, Alison Cox, Jeffrey Crary, William Creighton
Anna D'Angelo, Kristine D'Angelo, Mitchell Dante, Debra David, Beth Davidson, William Davis, Denise Descheneaux, Julia Devine, Henry Dickinson, Michael DiMonaco, Beverly Dion, John Dlugos, Frederick Doersam, Ralph Donohue, Jeanne Donovan, Patricia Donovan, Noreen Dubour, Suzanne Dreyer, Barbara Ducharme, Bruce Duncan, Lois Dusenberry
Donald Eddy, Christopher Edwards, Dorothy Edwards, Karen Esposito, John Evans
Brian Falk, David Farioli, Andrew Farquharson, Linda Farrel, Donna Fiorentino, Dean Florian
Steven Gagner, David Gallerani, Nancy Galvin, Armand Gamache, Constance Garvey, Stephen Geoffrion, Frank Gibney, Dale Goddard, Eddie Goguen, Douglas Goodrich, Marilyn Gour, Deborah Gray, Linda Gray, Richard Grimaldi
Mark Hadeler, John Haetinger, Garnett Hall, Kenneth Hall, Deborah Hanson, Theodore Harper, Vivian Haskell, Andrea Hastings, Ann Marie Hearn, Patricia Hendrick, Nancy Holland, Mary Holotka, Ellen Hopkins
John Illig, Robert Ireland, Lisa Italiano
Susan Jasinski, Nancy Jenne, Pamela Johnson, Eileen Jordan
Robert Keane, Douglas Keith, William Kenyon, Lynne Kinney, Edward Kopec, Dennis Kronenberg, Joseph Kwasnik
Katherine LaBerge, Paul LaBroad, Diane LaFave, Linda Laliberte, Mary Ann LaLima, David Lariviere, Carl Larson, Elizabeth Lasek, Nancy Lavertue, Edward Lemanski, Paul Lieberwirth, Victor Linden, Bruce Lindwall, Allison Lipp, Mary Lynch, Timothy Lynch
Andrew Malloy, Richard Malmstrom, Marilyn Man, James Manferdini, Candice Marino, Karen Martin, Virginia Martin, Stephen Mascaro, August Maserati, Catherine Maurer, Richard Maurer, Patricia May, Lee Mazzaferro, Thomas McCabe, David McCallum, Janet McCarthy, Susan McGill, John McGrady, Paul McNamara, Marilyn Medbury, Lois Melbourne, Frederic Merchant, Jane Mertz, Douglas Milroy, Thomas Mineo, Frank Miorandi, Brenda Misitano, Richard Mondoux, Jean Montana, Bruce Moore, Scott Moore, Alan Morris, Linda Mottle, Pamela Murphy, Thomas Murray, Adrienne Myers
Gregory Naylor, Stephen Newell, Eva Nichols, Ralph Nooney
Kim O'Brien, Joanne O'Connell, Patricia Olier, Enrico Oliveri, Nola Olmsted, Bruce Ostrander, John Ouellette, Peter Ouellette, Thomas Ouellette, Ross Overlock, David Owen
Cynthia Page, Jane Passburg, Kathryn Pedersen, Priscilla Perusse, Richard Pesto, Debra Peterson, Susan Petronino, Dennis Plante, Carol Porcelli, Kathleen Price, Robert A. Price, Robert M. Price
John Quinn
David Radebaugh, Michael Rafferty, Albert Raimondi, Eleanor Ramey, Linda Redin, Susan Regnier, Robert Reis, Marion Renzi, Jeanne Ricciardi, Cynthia Richards, Joanne Rinaldi, Joseph Roy, Michele Roy, Patricia Ryan
Susan Saacke, Stephen St. Marie, Pamela Sakakeeny, David Sand, Deborah Sawyer, William Schmitter, William Scheumann, Wayne Scully, Paula Seligman, Kenneth Sheret, Maria Siano, Mark Simone, Debra Simons, Sharon Soares, William Soares, Nancy Sroka, Stanley Sroka, William Stark, Nancy Steitz, Dorothy Stellato, Christine Stewart, Paul Stilphen, John Stolecki, Susan Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, Clark Swanson, Jeanne Symmes
Charles Taylor, Gail Taylor, Ann Tesoro, Donna Tranghese, Felix Tranghese, Doreen Tremblay, Regina Truitt, David Turnberg
Gail Vagts, Nancy Vallett, Stephen Viger, John Vigliano, Teresa Villamaino, Jane Viveiros
Edward Warren, Susan Waterman, Valarie Weber, Robert Wenning, Jarl Weyant, Melinda Wheeler, Malcolm White, Susan White, Kurt Whitney, Mark White, Susan Wicks, David Wieland, James Wilkins, Richard Willard, Susan Wolcott, Jonathan Wolf, Nancy Wrinkle
Nancy Yacovone
Anthony Zampiceni, Ellen Zimmerman

Larry Cooper's 8th Grade Report Card Envelope and Report Cards

English --- Mrs. Dorothy Gladden. Does anyone remember the other teacher, Mr./Ms. M. Korradi? 

Industrial Arts --- Marking periods 1-3: Mr. Joseph Cangro (metal shop, drafting); marking periods 4-6: Mr. Victor Mushenski (wood shop).

Math --- Mrs. Eileen Worthing.

Physical education --- Mr. Allan Pash.

Reading --- Mrs. Estelle Krause. 

Science --- Mr. Gary Bunce.


Social Studies --- Miss Judith Gallant

Science teacher, Mr. Hellstein, with unidentified student on a field trip to Haunted Hollow. Gail Taylor (Skrip) wonders if anyone else remembers Mr. Hellstein's scare tactics before the field trips, specifically the bat pictures? Photo courtesy of Arlene Breau.

 An unknown student on trip to Haunted Hollow. Photo courtesy of Arlene Breau. 

An unknown student on trip to Haunted Hollow. Photo courtesy of Arlene Breau.

Photo in The Sunday Republican, Jan. 16, 1966.

Over 20 of our classmates were in the 8th grade play, "Oliver". Program below. Courtesy of the Springfield Union newspaper.

Drawing by classmate Sue Wicks. 

Dec. 21, 1965 newspaper article --- 8th grade, second marking period honor roll.

February 1966 newspaper article --- 8th grade, third marking period honor roll.

April 1966 newspaper article --- 8th grade, fourth marking period honor roll.

1966 newspaper article --- 8th grade, fifth marking period honor roll.

Birchland Banner

Our school newspaper was the Birchland Banner. Here is the entire June 1966 issue, published as we were finishing 8th grade. We thank Miss Denise Humberston, one of our English teachers, for preserving this priceless treasure.






Newspaper clipping from 1966, just before we finished 8th grade at Birchland Park School.

Monogram awarded to Gail Taylor in eighth grade (see newspaper clipping above).

Certificate awarded to Gail Taylor in eighth grade (see newspaper clipping above).
Photos of Teachers and Staff from 2000 to the Present
Teachers inducted into the East Longmeadow Public Schools Educators Hall of Fame in 2009 included two of our English teachers, Mrs. Estelle Krause (front row, far right) and Mr. James O'Hearn (back row, second from left). Mrs. Krause taught at Birchland Park from 1961-1986. At the induction ceremony she was described as someone who gave dignity to the job of being a teacher, someone who was energetic and enthusiastic, and as a supportive colleague and friend. Mr. O'Hearn began his 39 year career at Birchland Park in 1965. In 2009 he was in his forty-fifth year of teaching, instructing TV production in Ludlow. He retired from teaching in June 2013. Mr. O'Hearn said teaching is one of the noblest professions. Photo courtesy of The Reminder.
Math teacher Mrs. Jean Finnegan and English teacher Mr. Robert Mazzariello with classmates during our 40th class reunon on Oct. 10, 2010. Front row: Kris D'Angelo David, Mrs. Jean Finnegan, Karen Esposito, Nancy Steitz, and Mr. Robert Mazzariello. Row 2: Debbie Peterson Walker, Nancy Lavertue Hurst, Lynne Kinney Miner, Scott Moore, Donna Anderson, Jeanne Bonin LeFevre, Brian Falk, Kurt Whitney, Jeff Crary, and Dave Turnberg. Photo courtesy of Donna Anderson.
English teacher Mr. Paul Cavallo in 2011. He has been a longstanding city councilor of Agawam, MA, including service through 2020. 
Social studies teachers Mr. Ronald Lech and Mrs. Judith Gallant Lech in July 2011. Mr. Lech went on to teach social studies at ELHS. Photo courtesy of Donna Anderson.

Math teacher Mrs. Eileen Worthing and her husband, John, with their English setters, Wings, left, and Feathers, at an RV park in Valdez, Alaska in 2011. Mr. Worthing passed away in 2021. Photo courtesy of Norm Roy of The Republican. Click here for the newspaper article accompanying the photo. 

Math teacher Mrs. Jean Finnegan with classmates Linda Mottle and Brian Falk at our 45th class reunion farewell breakfast in 2015.
Physical education teacher Mr. Arthur Moses and his wife, Bette in 2016.
English teacher Mr. Bob Mazzariello waves to the crowd during the 2018 Fourth of July parade in East Longmeadow. He served as the parade's grand marshal.

Kathy Price remembers spinning the glass milk bottles on the cafeteria tables at lunchtime. Scott Moore remembers teachers trying to contol the noise in the cafeteria at lunchtime, adding, "At times the noise was deafening. The teachers would take a glass milk bottle and bang it on a table while shouting at the top of their lungs for us to be quiet."

Ed Warren remembers Mr. Mushenski, our beloved wood shop teacher, telling students, "You want to whistle, you go out in the woods with the birds and whistle. You don't whistle in class!" Dave Farioli remembers him saying, "You cut, you buy. You break, you pay." Joe Roy remembers Mr. Mushenski watching him hold a hammer by its neck instead of the lower end of the handle. He told Joe, "If you're not going to use the handle, cut it off." So, Joe went over to the band saw and cut off a portion of the handle! Boy, did Mr. Mushenski get mad. And Scott Moore remembers when a student got in trouble in Mr. Mushenski's class, he would say, "Four doors to the right" (the principal's office).

Lenny Beaulieu remembers an incident involving Bill Stark in Mr. Mushenski's wood shop class. It seems Bill had inserted a drum sander into a drill chuck, but did not lock it down. When he turned on the drill, the drum sander came flying out of the drill and went through a door of a cabinet another student was making.

Scott Moore remembers an incident regarding Mr. Cangro, our metal shop teacher, and Bill Stark. "We were painting the bookends with black paint. Mr. Cangro told us, "When you finish painting them, brush the excess paint from the rim of the paint can, put the lid on, and place a cloth over the lid. Then gently tap the edges of the lid with a hammer." Unfortunately, Bill must not have heard these instructions. He put the lid on the can, forgot about the cloth, then smashed it in the middle with a hammer. Paint went flying everywhere, including onto Mr. Cangro's shirt!"

Bruce Moore has two memories:

"I had Mr. Novicki for seventh and eighth grade science. One afternoon, he and Bob Keane pulled a fast one on the whole class. They pretended to have an argument, which ended with them both going out into the hall outside class. They got real vocal, and an apparent fight broke out. Lockers were being smashed into, etc. I tried to get out the door to see the fight. Sharon Soares (who might have been in on it) prevented anyone from going out. Bob came back in the room, put his head down between his arms on the desk, and cried. Mr. Novicki came back in, and a moment or two later, Bob picked up his head and had a big smile. We then figured out what really happened. Mr. Novicki made us all write a paper on what we were feeling at the time. Nancy Steitz and Jack Evans were in the class, and might remember this cool incident.

"This is my last memory of Butch Garrett: One afternon after school, Butch, Ronnie Goodrich, and Kenny Bressette were up in the woods behind Birchland Park. They had made a homemade .22 zip gun. They got it to fire, but the bullet went through the bicep area on Butch. He ended up being okay. Doug Goodrich should also remember this very well."

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We love adding memorabilia to this page. Please contact us if you have a photo or item of interest from Birchland Park Junior High School you'd enjoy sharing.